Being at home with two little boys is lots of fun. Everyday is crazy to some extent....there is giggling, crying and screaming and that is just within a 5 minute period! They make me laugh and bring lots of joy....hope they do the same for you!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Tyler has been in heaven playing with Daddy's real weedeater! He has a toy one, but of course he wouldn't want to play with that. No, this doesn't have any gas in it and it doesn't really work. He even had to lean over and spit during his weedeating the other day...."because I have some extra stuff in my mouth Mommy!"


  1. um... can we discuss the boots for a minute? for fashion or safety (crazy big machine he's working with!)? love it either way.

  2. Gotta love the boots, ride 'em cowboy, or should we say "farmer/rancher". Good idea for safety if he's gonna use the real stuff. Now he just needs some chewin' tobacca to do that spittin with!!!
