Being at home with two little boys is lots of fun. Everyday is crazy to some extent....there is giggling, crying and screaming and that is just within a 5 minute period! They make me laugh and bring lots of joy....hope they do the same for you!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cole Update

So we saw the GI specialist yesterday and she suspected C. Diff (clostridium difficile toxin)....we got the test results today and it was positive. This is good news and bad news at the same time. Very good news that this isn't a gluten issue....bad news is that he has C. Diff. For those of you not familiar with this, it is an overgrowth of bad bacteria in the intestines and usually occurs from taking antibiotics. Cole had to take 2 rounds of antibioitics in August/Sept to clear up an ear infection and this is when it all started. Good news is that treatment just involves 2 weeks of a strong antibiotic - flagyl. I'm not sure that Cole considers this good news based on his reaction to the first dose of medicine. I had read that it tastes really bad....he confirmed it! He gagged, spit and screamed and then refused to take anything else I offered. It's going to be a LONG 2 weeks. The only suggestion from the Dr.'s office was to try and put in a bottle or just pin him down with my legs and hold his nose so he has to swallow it. AWESOME!!!!! I am very thankful though that the GI specialist caught this....if it goes untreated it can cause permanent intestinal damage and even death (though usually in elderly patients). Thanks for the prayers everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh,poor Cole, POOR MOMMIE!!!! Walgreens flavors prescriptions for little ones. Perhaps it could be mixed with Coke or coke syrup. Coke syrup was an old remedy for upset stomachs, so maybe that would work. Good luck, as always, prayers your way.
