Tony: Tyler, now Cole gets your hippo chair.
Tyler: (instant tears and sobbing) nooooooo
Me: Okay, how about you just share your chair with Cole.
Tyler: (still sobbing) noooo, I don't want Cole to be on the chair.
Me: You can share.
Tyler: But I don't want Cole to slobber on it!!!!!
Tony and I seriously started laughing out loud. The whole time Tyler was crying, we thought it was all about giving away his chair and not sharing when in reality he just didn't want any of Cole's slobber on it! For those of you that don't know, Tyler has a real phobia of slobber, kisses, etc. Tyler didn't find it at all amusing, but Tony and I couldn't help but laugh!
Tyler's facial expression says it all in this one!
Ahh!!! Funny about the kisses, Andy doesn't like kisses either, BUT I did actually get one a couple of weeks ago!!!!!