Anyway, the fever was going up to 105+ at times and not coming down below 102...and I was alternating Tylenol and Motrin (the non-recalled of course). The doctor initially noticed a little fluid in his ear and thought that he might be coming down with hand, foot and mouth virus due to the way his throat looked. He prescribed him a Z-pak for his ear and sent us on our way. Two days later when the fever was still staying so high, I took him back in. I had called the office MANY times over the course of those 2 days, but when the nurse saw the thermometer read 104.3 under his arm, I think they finally realized I wasn't exaggerating. He wasn't completely dehydrated but was definitely on his way. The pediatrician decided our best bet was to send him to the ER where they could take blood and start an IV all with one stick. We took him to St. John's Pediatric ER - the pediatrician had already called to speak to the ped. on staff and they were practically waiting for us when we got there. She informed us they would also do a catheter to check for a UTI.
His urine showed a few white blood cells and a small amount of protein and his white count was perfect (big relief), so she was thinking probably a UTI but wouldn't know for sure until culture came back. They gave him 2 bags of IV fluids and that really perked him up. They also gave him a dose of a really strong antibiotic in his IV and sent us home with a prescription for a different antibiotic to start the next day. We had a follow up with his pediatrician on Saturday and the culture came back negative....this leaves his official diagnosis as VIRAL of course!!! He did finally perk up yesterday and is more like himself again.
Poor little guy had a rough week but was such a trooper through all of it. We are very thankful for the awesome nurse at St. John' his IV in one stick with no digging around. He's still working on getting the second tooth through on top and he is starting to like his bottles. Whew what a was very stressful but I reminded myself many times how fortunate I am to be able to be home with my boys and not having to stress about work through all of this. Always searching for that silver lining!!!

such a cutie even sick. Jenny was about his age when she was in the hospital with 105, she broke out in a rash and they declared roseolla, they didn't run all those tests back in the dark ages, but she always ran the high fevers and I had to keep phenobarbitol on hand. Usually as soon as the fever broke she had a tooth. It's always so scary. I'm so glad he's doing better. You're so lucky to have so much support from Tony, he's such a good dad, I never, ever had that with the girls, maybe different times or you just have a gem!!!!